Running Interference was founded on the principle of community. Realizing that all of the needs we have are able to be met by the those who are immediately around us. With many parents crying for help and children bidding for attention, it is obvious that our gifts are needed to provide for a better world. Running Interference offers parents the resources and support to help their youth become successful in all aspects of life. Our team of mentors are caring and go beyond the call of duty to not only redirect adverse behavior but perpetuate a culture of love and respect that will effectuate change in our community.
“E raka te maui,E raka te katau" A Maorian proverb which states," A community can use all the skills of its people." It is my belief that we all must play a vital part in our community. It truly does take a village. Unable to do all that must be done, I am committed to doing all that I can do. Running Interference empowers us to offer a new look at life for our youth.”
This service gives parents an opportunity to experience our services prior to making a commitment. It also allows the intake team to make initial assessments.
This service offers parents an unbiased view of their youths behavior. Goals are set, programs are suggested and recommendations can be made.
This service utilizes the data contained in the Care Plan to partner youth with suitable registered mentors who will develop lasting relationships with our clients.
This service allows youth to share their challenges and achievements with peers. Allowing them to help each other while learning how to socialize and make proper relationship choices.
Once a year Running Interference engages its youth and the youth in the community in a transformative experience that will solidify their growth as they join in the larger community of Youth Leaders. These conferences put youth in the drivers seat were they decide what is important. Classes are offered to aid them in personal development and community activism.
Understanding that every individual is different, our team of intake specialist consult each client to assess their needs. We focus our assessment on the individual's strengths to help them overcome weaknesses. With attainable goals in place, together with the client and their supporters they develop a personalized plan to ensure that eachclient is successful in achieving behavioral freedom.
Establishing meaningful relationships is key to understanding accountability and receiving the attention/ compassion needed by all youth.
Understanding that "no man is an island" youth are able to share and assist each other in making vital decisions and building peer relationships.
I was having a hard time with my grandson and his teacher suggested that I contact Running Interference. They paired him with a mentor and he treated him like family. My grandson has improved his behavior and his grades. He loves his mentor and to this day whenever he has a problem his mentor is just a phone call away.
I constantly received phone calls from my child's teachers. The schools suggested that I contact Running Interference. After they paired him with a mentor I had the school contact the mentor for his behavior issues. Even after we moved out of the city, the mentor continued to assist us. Needless to say, I nor the mentor get any calls from the school now.
Times have changed and its hard to get people to treat your child like they are their own. It is hard being a single parent and especially raising boys. I am glad that someone cares enough to help us mothers. This group takes my kids to church and other places that I cant even afford and they expose them to things I haven't even seen and places I haven't been. Thank you for all that you do, God Bless!
My son was facing criminal charges and was locked up in a detention center. His mentor spoke on his behalf in court and the courts released him in the mentors care. I am so grateful for Running Interference for offering the services they do to our community.
I had been asking for help with my child but there was not any available females to help with my daughter. Running Interference eventually was able to get female help and my daughter is showing progress. I can tell that they really truly love the kids.
Once I started working with Running Interference, I found that I have so much to offer to the world and to our youth. I am glad that I am apart of Running interference.
My sons mentor Mr. Chambliss is more than a mentor. He takes on every child as if they are his own. I can remember on several occasions I've called him and his response would be "I'm on my way Ms. Carpenter. One example is when my son was put on a psychiatric hold at the hospital and I called Mr. Chambliss. He was there within the hour offering prayer and giving both of us encouraging words. I don't know about others but for me raising boys without active fathers in their life it feels good to be able to call on someone that will always say yes. We love you Mr. Chambliss!
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